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Marwa Kaabour

Hosting a strategy retreat!

Updated: Jun 15, 2024

Hosting the annual Al Masaood Automobiles’ Annual Strategy Day for the 6th year in a row was an absolute honor and delight. 💫 

Marwa Kaabour Strategy Events
Marwa Kaabour on hosting strategy retreats

This is a very special day on our agenda. It is a day of reflection, a day of team building and recognition. 🏆 

Marwa Kaabourl Strategy; Retreats; Events; MC
Marwa Kaabour on Hosting a Strategy Retreat

I had the opportunity to reflect on everything that made 2023 the spectacular and eventful year that it was – both for Al Masaood and for the world, and to witness the recognition and appreciation for the hardworking falcons who make AMA what it is. 


Marwa Kaabour on hosting a strategy retreat
Marwa Kaabour on hosting a strategy retreat

As our Chairman said at the event, “The best is yet to come.” Congrats to the AMA CEO Irfan Tansel on the record-breaking year the company has had, and on starting this new year with a bang.


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